TensorFlow Serving Cluster PPML Solution

This solution presents a framework for developing a PPML (Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning) solution - TensorFlow Serving cluster with Intel SGX and Gramine.


Simply running a TensorFlow Serving system inside Gramine is not enough for a safe & secure end-user experience. Thus, there is a need to build a complete secure inference flow. This paper will present TensorFlow Serving with Intel SGX and Gramine and will provide end-to-end protection (from client to servers) and integrate various security ingredients such as the load balancer (Nginx Ingress) and elastic scheduler (Kubernetes). Please refer to What is Kubernetes for more details.

Figure: Nginx Ingress controller

In this solution, we focus on:

  • AI Service - TensorFlow Serving, a flexible, high-performance serving system for machine learning models.

  • Model protection - protecting the confidentiality and integrity of the model when the inference takes place on an untrusted platform such as a public cloud virtual machine.

  • Data protection - establishing a secure communication link from end-user to TensorFlow Serving when the user doesn’t trust the remote platform where the TensorFlow Serving system is executing.

  • Platform Integrity - providing a way for Intel SGX platform to attest itself to the remote user, so that she can gain trust in the remote SGX platform.

  • Elasticity - providing the Kubernetes service for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized TensorFlow Serving so that the cloud providers can setup the environment easily. We use Nginx for automatic load balancing.

The goal of this solution is to show how these applications - TensorFlow Serving and Kubernetes - can run in an untrusted environment (like a public cloud), automating deployment while still ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive input data and the model. To this end, we use Intel SGX enclaves to isolate TensorFlow Serving’s execution to protect data confidentiality and integrity, and to provide a cryptographic proof that the program is correctly initialized and running on legitimate hardware with the latest patches. We also use Gramine to simplify the task of porting TensorFlow Serving to SGX, without any changes.

Figure: TensorFlow Serving Flow

In this tutorial, we use three machines: client trusted machine, it can be a non-SGX platform or an SGX platform; SGX-enabled machine, treated as untrusted machine; remote client machine. In this solution, you can also build it in one machine with SGX-enabled with below steps.

Here we will show the complete workflow for using Kubernetes to manage the TensorFlow Serving running inside an SGX enclave with Gramine and its features of Secret Provisioning and Protected Files. We rely on the new ECDSA/DCAP remote attestation scheme developed by Intel for untrusted cloud environments.

To run the TensorFlow Serving application on a particular SGX platform, the owner of the SGX platform must retrieve the corresponding SGX certificate from the Intel Provisioning Certification Service, along with Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) and other SGX-identifying information . Typically, this is a part of provisioning the SGX platform in a cloud or a data center environment, and the end user can access it as a service (in other words, the end user doesn’t need to deal with the details of this SGX platform provisioning but instead uses a simpler interface provided by the cloud/data center vendor).

As a second preliminary step, the user must encrypt model files with her cryptographic (wrap) key and send these protected files to the remote storage accessible from the SGX platform .

Next, the untrusted remote platform uses Kubernetes to start TensorFlow Serving inside the SGX enclave . Meanwhile, the user starts the secret provisioning application on her own machine. The three machines establish a TLS connection using RA-TLS , the user verifies that the untrusted remote platform has a genuine up-to-date SGX processor and that the application runs in a genuine SGX enclave , and finally provisions the cryptographic wrap key to this untrusted remote platform . Note that during build time, Gramine informs the user of the expected measurements of the SGX application.

After the cryptographic wrap key is provisioned, the untrusted remote platform may start executing the application. Gramine uses Protected FS to transparently decrypt the model files using the provisioned key when the TensorFlow Serving application starts . TensorFlow Serving then proceeds with execution on plaintext files . The client and the TensorFlow Serving will establish a TLS connection using gRPC TLS with the key and certificate generated by the client . The Nginx load balancer will monitor the requests from the client , and will forward external requests to TensorFlow Serving . When TensorFlow Serving completes the inference, it will send back the result to the client through gRPC TLS .


  • Ubuntu 18.04. This solution should work on other Linux distributions as well, but for simplicity we provide the steps for Ubuntu 18.04 only.

    Please install the following dependencies:

    sudo apt install libnss-mdns libnss-myhostname
  • Docker Engine. Docker Engine is an open source containerization technology for building and containerizing your applications. In this tutorial, applications, like Gramine, TensorFlow Serving, secret providers, will be built in Docker images. Then Kubernetes will manage these Docker images. Please follow this guide to install Docker engine.

  • Python3. Please install python3 package since our python script is based on python3.

  • TensorFlow Serving. TensorFlow Serving is a flexible, high-performance serving system for machine learning models, designed for production environments. Install:

    pip3 install -r <tensorflow-serving-cluster-dir>/tensorflow-serving/client/requirements.txt
  • Kubernetes. Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. In this tutorial, we will provide a script (install_kubernetes.sh) to install Kubernetes in your machine.

  • Intel SGX Driver and SDK/PSW. You need a machine that supports Intel SGX and FLC/DCAP. Please follow this guide to install the Intel SGX driver and SDK/PSW. Make sure to install the driver with ECDSA/DCAP attestation.

  • Gramine. Follow Quick Start to learn more about it.

  • TensorFlow Serving cluster scripts package. You can download the source package tensorflow-serving-cluster:

    git clone https://github.com/intel/confidential-computing-zoo.git

We will start with TensorFlow Serving running within SGX in container directly without Kubernetes. It will provide confidentiality guarantees for model files by encrypting (Gramine deal with this) and remote attestation from the secret provision server (this server running in the other container).

Next step, we will involve Kubernetes to provide automating deployment, scaling and management of containerized TensorFlow Serving application.

Executing Confidential TF Serving without Kubernetes

1. Client Preparation

Under client machine, please download source package:

git clone https://github.com/intel/confidential-computing-zoo.git

1.1 Download the Model

We use ResNet50 model with FP32 precision for TensorFlow Serving to the inference. First, use download_model.sh to download the pre-trained model file. It will generate the directory models/resnet50-v15-fp32 in current directory:

cd <tensorflow-serving-cluster dir>/tensorflow-serving/client

The model file will be downloaded to models/resnet50-v15-fp32. Then use model_graph_to_saved_model.py to convert the pre-trained model to SavedModel:

pip3 install tensorflow==2.4.0
python3 ./model_graph_to_saved_model.py --import_path `pwd -P`/models/resnet50-v15-fp32/resnet50-v15-fp32.pb --export_dir  `pwd -P`/models/resnet50-v15-fp32 --model_version 1 --inputs input --outputs  predict

Note: model_graph_to_saved_model.py has dependencies on tensorflow, please install tensorflow.

The converted model file will be under:


1.2 Create the TLS certificate

We choose gRPC TLS and create the one-way TLS Keys and certificates by setting TensorFlow Serving domain name to establish a communication link between client and TensorFlow Serving.

For example:

./generate_ssl_config.sh ${service_domain_name}
tar -cvf ssl_configure.tar ssl_configure

generate_ssl_config.sh will generate the directory ssl_configure which includes server.crt, server.key and ssl.cfg. server.crt will be used by the remote client and ssl.cfg will be used by TensorFlow Serving.

1.3 Create encrypted model file

Starting from Intel SGX SDK v1.9, SGX SDK provides the function of secure file I/O operations. This function is provided by a component of the SGX SDK called Protect File System Library, which enables safely I/O operations in the Enclave.

It guarantees below items.

  • Integrity of user data. All user data are read from disk and then decrypted with MAC (Message Authentication Code) verified to detect any data tampering.

  • Matching of file name. When opening an existing file, the metadata of the to-be-openned file will be checked to ensure that the name of the file when created is the same as the name given to the open operation.

  • Confidentiality of user data. All user data is encrypted and then written to disk to prevent any data leakage.

For more details, please refer to Understanding SGX Protected File System.

In our solution, we use a tool named gramine-sgx-pf-crypt provided by the LibOS Gramine for secure file I/O operations based on the SGX SDK, which can be used to encrypt and decrypt files. In the template configuration file provided by Gramine, the configuration option “sgx.protected_files.file_mode=file_name” is given, which specifies the files to be protected by encryption.

When TensorFlow Serving loads the model, the path to load the model is models/resnet50-v15-fp32/1/saved_model.pb, and the encryption key is located in files/wrap-key. You can also customize the 128-bit password. According to the file path matching principle, the file path must be consistent with the one used during encryption.

Use the gramine-sgx-pf-crypt tool to encrypt the model file command as follow:

mkdir plaintext/
mv models/resnet50-v15-fp32/1/saved_model.pb plaintext/
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./libs ./gramine-sgx-pf-crypt encrypt -w files/wrap-key -i  plaintext/saved_model.pb -o  models/resnet50-v15-fp32/1/saved_model.pb
tar -cvf models.tar models

For more information about gramine-sgx-pf-crypt, please refer to pf_crypt.

1.4 Start Secret Provision Service

In order to deploy this service easily, we build and run this service in container. Basically, we use secret_prov_server_dcap as the remote SGX Enclave Quote authentication service and relies on the Quote-related authentication library provided by SGX DCAP. The certification service will obtain Quote certification related data from Intel PCCS, such as TCB related information and CRL information. After successful verification of SGX Enclave Quote, the key stored in files/wrap-key will be sent to the remote application. The remote application here is Gramine in the SGX environment. After remote Gramine gets the key, it will decrypt the encrypted model file.

Before build the docker image, please replace pccs_host_machin_id with your real machine on which PCCS is installed in secret_prov.dockerfile:

# Please replace pccs_host_machin_id with real IP address
RUN echo "pccs_host_machin_id attestation.service.com" > /etc/hosts

Build secret provision service docker:

cd <tensorflow-serving-cluster dir>/tensorflow-serving/docker/secret_prov

Get the image id:

docker images

Start the secret provision service:

./run_secret_prov.sh -i <secret_prov_service_image_id>

Check the secret provision service log:

docker logs <secret_prov_service_image_id>

2. Run TensorFlow Serving w/ Gramine in SGX-enabled machine

Under SGX-enabled machine, please download source package:

git clone https://github.com/intel/confidential-computing-zoo.git

2.1 Preparation

Recall that we’ve created encrypted model and TLS certificate in client machine, we need to copy them to this machine. For example:

cd <tensorflow_serving dir>/docker/tf_serving
scp -r client@client_ip:<tensorflow_serving dir>/client/models.tar .
scp -r client@client_ip:<tensorflow_serving dir>/client/ssl_configure.tar .
tar -xvf models.tar ssl_configure.tar

2.2 Build TensorFlow Serving Docker image

To prepare for elastic deployment, we build docker image to run the framework. Before build the docker image, please replace pccs_host_machin_id with your real machine on which PCCS is installed in gramine_tf_serving.dockerfile:

# Please replace pccs_host_machin_id with real IP address
RUN echo "pccs_host_machin_id attestation.service.com" > /etc/hosts

build_gramine_tf_serving.sh will be used to build the docker image as below:

cd <tensorflow_serving dir>/docker/tf_serving
./build_gramine_tf_serving_image.sh <image_tag>

<image_tag> is self-defined, the default value is latest. The newly created image will be shown similar to the below:

REPOSITORY            TAG          IMAGE ID         CREATED           SIZE
gramine_tf_serving   latest       7ae935a427cd     6 seconds ago     1.74GB

The dockerfile is gramine_tf_serving.dockerfile.

Mainly includes below items.

  • Install basic dependencies for source code build.

  • Install TensorFlow Serving.

  • Install LibOS - Gramine.

  • Copy files from host to built container.

The files copied from host to container mainly includes below list.

  • Makefile. It is used to compile TensorFlow with Gramine.

  • sgx_default_qcnl.conf. It is used to config PCCS URL link.

  • tf_serving_entrypoint.sh. The execution script when container is launched.

  • tensorflow_model_server.manifest.template. The TensorFlow Serving configuration template used by Gramine.

Gramine supports SGX RA-TLS function, it can be enabled by configurations in the template.Key parameters used in current template as blow:

sgx.remote_attestation = 1
loader.env.LD_PRELOAD = "libsecret_prov_attest.so"
loader.env.SECRET_PROVISION_CA_CHAIN_PATH ="certs/test-ca-sha256.crt"
loader.env.SECRET_PROVISION_SERVERS ="attestation.service.com:4433"
sgx.trusted_files.libsecretprovattest ="file:libsecret_prov_attest.so"
sgx.trusted_files.cachain= "file:certs/test-ca-sha256.crt"
sgx.protected_files.model= "file:models/resnet50-v15-fp32/1/saved_model.pb"

SECRET_PROVISION_SERVERS is the remote secret provision server address in client. attestation.service.com is the Domain name, 4433 is the port used by secret privision server.

SECRET_PROVISION_SET_PF_KEY presents if application need secret provision server sends secret key back to it when attestation verification pass in secret provision server.

sgx.protected_files shows self-defined encrypted files. Files is encrypted with key stored in secret provision server. For more syntax used in the manifest template, please refer to Gramine Manifest syntax.

2.3 Config the Domain name

As we use attestation.service.com as the Domain name, it should be given the right IP address of client machine:

echo "client_ip attestation.service.com" >> /etc/hosts

2.4 Execute TensorFlow Serving w/ Gramine in SGX

Till now, we can execute TensorFlow Serving in container with the scripts run_gramine_tf_serving.sh. Rum command as below:

cd <tensorflow_serving dir>/docker/tf_serving
cp ssl_configure/ssl.cfg .
./run_gramine_tf_serving.sh -i ${image_id} -p 8500-8501 -m resnet50-v15-fp32 -s ssl.cfg -a attestation.service.com:client_ip

Note: image_id is the new created TensorFlow Serving Docker image id; 8500-8501 are the ports created on (bound to) the host, you can change them if you need. client_ip is client machine ip address.

Now, the TensorFlow Serving is running in SGX and waiting for remote requests.

Figure: TensorFlow Serving

3. Remote request

Under the remote request machine, please download source package:

git clone https://github.com/intel/confidential-computing-zoo.git

3.1 Preparation

To guarantee the secure communication channel from remote request client to TensorFlow Serving service, we need to copy ssl_configure/server.crt to this machine:

cd <tensorflow_serving dir>/client
scp -r client@client_ip:<tensorflow_serving dir>/client/ssl_configure.tar .
tar -xvf ssl_configure.tar

3.2 Config Domain name

Then, add the mapping of the SGX-enabled machine IP address to TensorFlow Serving domain name before DNS can be referenced.

For example:

echo "${SGX_enabled_machien_ip_addr} ${service_domain_name}" >> /etc/hosts

Note: Please make sure that the connection between SGX-enabled machine and remote request client is good.

3.3 Send remote request

Start the remote request with dummy image:

python3 ./resnet_client_grpc.py --url ${service_domain_name}:8500 --crt `pwd -P`/ssl_configure/server.crt --batch 1 --cnum 1 --loop 50

You can get the inference result printed in the terminal window.

For now, we can run the single TensorFlow Serving node with remote attestation.

Executing Confidential TF Serving with Kubernetes

In this section, we will setup Kubernetes in the host under SGX-enabled machine. Then we will integrate Kubernetes and start two more TensorFlow Serving containers.

1. Setup Kubernetes

First, please make sure the system time in your machine is correctly set up, if not, please update it.

1.1 Install Kubernetes

Refer to https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/ or use install_kubernetes.sh to install Kubernetes:

cd <tensorflow-serving-cluster dir>/kubernetes

Initialize and enable taint for master node. Kubernetes allows users to taint the node so that no pods can be scheduled to it, unless a pod explicitly tolerates the taint:

unset http_proxy && unset https_proxy
swapoff -a && free -m
kubeadm init --v=5 --node-name=master-node --pod-network-cidr=

mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

kubectl taint nodes --all node-role.kubernetes.io/master-

1.2 Setup Flannel in Kubernetes

Next, we will setup Flannel in Kubernetes.

Flannel is focused on networking and responsible for providing a layer 3 IPv4 network between multiple nodes in a cluster. Flannel does not control how containers are networked to the host, only how the traffic is transported between hosts.

Deploy Flannel service:

kubectl apply -f flannel/deploy.yaml

1.3 Setup Ingress-Nginx in Kubernetes

Third, we will setup Ingress-Nginx in Kubernetes. Please refer to the Introduction part for more information about Nginx.

Deploy Nginx service:

kubectl apply ingress-nginx/deploy.yaml

Let’s take a look at the configuration for the elastic deployment of TensorFlow Serving under the directory:

<tensorflow-serving-cluster dir>/tensorflow-serving/kubernetes

There are two major Yaml files: deploy.yaml and ingress.yaml.

You can look at this for more information about Yaml.

In deploy.yaml, it mainly configures the parameters passed to containers. You need to replace the Gramine repository path with your own in the host and the Docker image created with your own tag:

- name: gramine-tf-serving-container
  image: gramine_tf_serving:{YOUR TAG}

- name: model-path
      path: <Your gramine repository>/CI-Examples/tensorflow-serving-cluster/tensorflow_serving/models /resnet50-v15-fp32
- name: ssl-path
      path: <Your gramine repository>/CI-Examples/tensorflow-serving-cluster/tensorflow_serving/ ssl_configure/ssl.cfg

In ingress.yaml, it mainly configures the networking options. You can use the default setting if you just follow the above domain name already used, if not, you should update it:

  - host: grpc.tf-serving.service.com

1.4 Config Kubernetes cluster DNS

We need to configure the cluster DNS in Kubernetes so that all the TensorFlow Serving pods can communicate with secret provisioning server:

kubectl edit configmap -n kube-system coredns

A config file will pop up, and we need to add the below configuration into it:

# new added
hosts {
       ${client_ip} ${attestation_host_name}
# end
prometheus :9153
forward . /etc/resolv.conf {
          max_concurrent 1000

${client_ip} is the IP address of client trusted machine; ${attestation_host_name} is attestation.service.com.

Now, we can apply these two yaml files:

kubectl apply -f gramine-tf-serving/deploy.yaml
kubectl apply -f gramine-tf-serving/ingress.yaml

1.5 Start TensorFlow Serving Cluster w/ Kubernetes

We can finally start the elastic deployment by the following command:

kubectl scale -n gramine-tf-serving deployment.apps/gramine-tf-serving-deployment --replicas 2

It will start two TensorFlow Serving containers and each TensorFlow Serving will run with Gramine in SGX Enclave.

You can check the status by:

kubectl logs -n gramine-tf-serving service/gramine-tf-serving-service

During these two new running TensorFlow Serving container launching, they will do the remote attestation with Secret Provision Server to get the secret key. Then, the TensorFlow Serving can continue booting with decrypted model.

Once all the TensorFlow Serving boot up successfully, we can send the request from the remote request.

With this, we have implemented the elastic deployment through Kubernetes.

2. Cleaning Up

Stop any previous Kubernetes service if you started it:

cd <tensorflow-serving-cluster dir>/<tensorflow-serving>/docker/tf_serving/kubernetes
kubectl delete -f gramine-tf-serving/deploy.yaml