RA-TLS Enhanced gRPC

This solution presents an enhanced gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call) framework to guarantee security during transmission and runtime via two-way RA-TLS (Intel SGX Remote Attestation with Transport Layer Security) based on TEE (Trusted Execution Environment).


gRPC is a modern, open source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework that can run anywhere. It enables client and server applications to communicate transparently, and simplifies the building of connected systems. For securing gRPC connections, the SSL/TLS authentication mechanisms is built-in to gRPC.

gRPC is designed to work with a variety of authentication mechanisms, making it easy to safely use gRPC to talk to other systems. For securing gRPC connections, the SSL/TLS authentication mechanisms is built-in to gRPC, it can guarantee the security in transmission.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) the successor of the now-deprecated Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a cryptographic protocol designed to provide communications security over a computer network. The current version is TLS 1.3 defined in August 2018.

gRPC RA-TLS integrates TEE and Intel SGX RA-TLS technology, it establish a standard TLS (v1.3) connection in TEE based on gRPC TLS/SSL mechanism. TEE guarantees code and data loaded inside to be protected with respect to confidentiality and integrity in runtime.

During the TLS handshake procedure, the public key certificates are used for key exchange. The public key certificate is X.509 format. It is either signed by a certificate authority (CA) or is self-signed for binding an identity to a public key.

Remote attestation is performed during the connection setup by embedding the attestation evidence into the endpoints TLS public key certificate.


In the gRPC TLS handshake phase, the certificates is generated and verified as following.

Generate X.509 certificate Verify X.509 certificate
1. Generate the RSA key pair
2. Generate the X.509 certificate with the RSA key pair
3. Embed the hash of RSA public key into SGX quote report signed by the attestation key
4. Embed the quote report into X.509 as a v3 extension
5. Self-sign the X.509 certificate
1. Verify the X.509 certificate by the default gRPC TLS procedure
2. Parse the quote report from the X.509 extension
3. Verify the quote report by the Intel DCAP interface
4. Compare the hash of X.509 certificate with the hash embedded in the quote reprot
5. Compare the enclave's identity embedded in the quote report against the expected identity

This solution supports the two-way RA-TLS verification between gRPC server and client. It means client and server both need to generate the certificates and verify each other.

Trust execution environment

A trusted execution environment (TEE) is a secure area of a main processor. It guarantees code and data loaded inside to be protected with respect to confidentiality and integrity, Data integrity — prevents unauthorized entities from altering data when any entity outside the TEE processes data, Code integrity — the code in the TEE cannot be replaced or modified by unauthorized entities. This is done by implementing unique, immutable, and confidential architectural security such as Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions).

Intel SGX technology offers hardware-based memory encryption that isolates specific application code and data in memory. This solution provides the different gRPC framework running on different TEE.

  • Gramine (formerly called Graphene) is a lightweight library OS Based on Intel SGX technology, designed to run a single application with minimal host requirements.

  • Occlum (In progress)

  • TDX (TODO)

Build and installation

Currently, we only support building and installation from the source code. It will generate a docker images for developing the gRPC RA-TLS application.

  1. Build TEE docker image

    • On Gramine

      Refer to cczoo/common/docker/gramine/README.md

      cd cczoo/common/docker/gramine
      ./build_docker_image.sh ${base_image} ${image_tag}

      ubuntu:18.04 and ubuntu:20.04 could be selected as base_image.

    • On Occlum

      Refer to cczoo/common/docker/occlum/README.md

      docker pull occlum/occlum:0.26.3-ubuntu20.04
      cd cczoo/common/docker/occlum
      ./build_docker_image.sh ${base_image} ${image_tag}
  2. Build gRPC RA-TLS docker image based on TEE docker image

    • On Gramine

      cd cczoo/grpc-ra-tls/gramine
      ./build_docker_image.sh ${base_image} ${image_tag}

      gramine-sgx-dev:v1.2-ubuntu20.04-latest and gramine-sgx-dev:v1.2-ubuntu-20.04-latest could be selected as base_image.

    • On Occlum

      cd cczoo/grpc-ra-tls/occlum
      ./build_docker_image.sh ${base_image} ${image_tag}

      occlum-sgx-dev:0.26.3-ubuntu18.04 and occlum-sgx-dev:0.26.3-ubuntu20.04 could be selected as base_image.

Config the remote attestation

For saving the expected measurement values of remote application enclave, we create a json template as following. It is loaded in gRPC server or client initialization.

Refer to cczoo/grpc-ra-tls/grpc/common/dynamic_config.json

    "verify_mr_enclave": "on",
    "verify_mr_signer": "on",
    "verify_isv_prod_id": "on",
    "verify_isv_svn": "on",
    "sgx_mrs": [
            "mr_enclave": "",
            "mr_signer": "",
            "isv_prod_id": "0",
            "isv_svn": "0"

In Gramine examples, the mr_enclave and mr_signer are automatically parsed in build.sh.

Refer to cczoo/grpc-ra-tls/gramine/CI-Examples/grpc/cpp/ratls/build.sh

function get_env() {
    gramine-sgx-get-token -s grpc.sig -o /dev/null | grep $1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | xargs

function generate_json() {
    cd ${RUNTIME_TMP_PATH}/$1
    jq ' .sgx_mrs[0].mr_enclave = ''"'`get_env mr_enclave`'" | .sgx_mrs[0].mr_signer = ''"'`get_env
    mr_signer`'" ' ${GRPC_PATH}/dynamic_config.json > ${RUNTIME_TMP_PATH}/$2/dynamic_config.json
    cd -

For isv_prod_id and isv_svn value, please refer to the values defined in libOS configuration files. In Gramine, it is defined in the template file.

Run examples

  • Gramine

    Refer to cczoo/grpc-ra-tls/gramine/README.md

    Prepare the docker container

    cd cczoo/grpc-ra-tls
    #start and enter the docker container
    ./start_container.sh ${pccs_service_ip} ${image_tag}
    #Run the aesm service

    Run the cpp example

    cd /gramine/CI-Examples/grpc/cpp/ratls
    #Run the server
    ./run.sh server &
    #Run the client
    ./run.sh client

    Run the python example

    cd /gramine/CI-Examples/grpc/python/ratls
    #Run the server
    ./run.sh server &
    #Run the client
    ./run.sh client
  • Occlum

    Refer to cczoo/grpc-ra-tls/occlum/README.md

    Prepare the docker container

    cd cczoo/grpc-ra-tls/occlum
    #start and enter the docker container
    ./start_container.sh ${pccs_service_ip} ${image_tag}

    Build the cpp instance

    LibRATS is optional to replace the default RA-TLS SDK which is to generate and verify hardware quotes.

    cd ~/demos/ra_tls

    Run the cpp example

    cd ~/demos/ra_tls
    #Run the server
    ./run.sh server &
    #Run the client
    ./run.sh client

How to develop the gRPC applications with RA-TLS

If you are familiar with gRPC TLS development, the only deference is using SGX credentials APIs to replace insecure credentials APIs.

Please refer to the examples for makefile and build script modifications.

  • c++

    • Credentials verify option




    • Server side

      Refer to cczoo/grpc-ra-tls/grpc/v1.38.1/examples/cpp/ratls/server.cc

      std::shared_ptr<grpc::ServerCredentials> creds = nullptr;
      if (sgx) {
          creds = std::move(grpc::sgx::TlsServerCredentials(
                      args.config, GRPC_RA_TLS_TWO_WAY_VERIFICATION));
      } else {
          creds = std::move(grpc::InsecureServerCredentials());
    • Client side

      Refer to cczoo/grpc-ra-tls/grpc/v1.38.1/examples/cpp/ratls/client.cc

      std::shared_ptr<grpc::ChannelCredentials> creds = nullptr;
      if (sgx) {
          creds = std::move(grpc::sgx::TlsCredentials(
                      args.config, GRPC_RA_TLS_TWO_WAY_VERIFICATION));
      } else {
          creds = std::move(grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials());
  • python

    • Credentials verify option

      • Two-way RA-TLS: verify_option=”two-way”

      • One-Way RA-TLS (Verify Server): verify_option=”server”

      • One-Way RA-TLS (Verify Client): verify_option=”client”

    • Server side

      Refer to cczoo/grpc-ra-tls/grpc/v1.38.1/examples/python/ratls/server.py

      if sgx:
          cred = grpc.sgxratls_server_credentials(
              config_json=args.config, verify_option="two-way")
          server.add_secure_port(args.target, cred)
    • Client side

      Refer to cczoo/grpc-ra-tls/grpc/v1.38.1/examples/python/ratls/client.py

      if sgx:
          cred = grpc.sgxratls_channel_credentials(
              config_json=args.config, verify_option="two-way")
          channel = grpc.secure_channel(args.target, cred)
          channel = grpc.insecure_channel(args.target)

Cloud Deployment

1. Alibaba Cloud

Aliyun ECS (Elastic Compute Service) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) level cloud computing service provided by Alibaba Cloud. It builds security-enhanced instance families g7t, c7t, r7t based on Intel® SGX technology to provide a trusted and confidential environment with a higher security level.

The configuration of the ECS instance as blow:

Notice: Please replace server link in sgx_default_qcnl.conf included in the dockerfile with Aliyun PCCS server address.

2. Tencent Cloud

Tencent Cloud Virtual Machine (CVM) provide one instance named M6ce, which supports Intel® SGX encrypted computing technology.

The configuration of the M6ce instance as blow:

Notice: Please replace server link in sgx_default_qcnl.conf included in the dockerfile with Tencent PCCS server address.

3. ByteDance Cloud

ByteDance Cloud (Volcengine SGX Instances) provides the instance named ebmg2t, which supports Intel® SGX encrypted computing technology.

The configuration of the ebmg2t instance as blow:

  • Instance Type : ecs.ebmg2t.32xlarge.

  • Instance Kernel: kernel-5.15

  • Instance OS : ubuntu-20.04

  • Instance Encrypted Memory: 256G

  • Instance vCPU : 16

  • Instance SGX PCCS Server: sgx-dcap-server.bytedance.com.

Notice: Please replace server link in sgx_default_qcnl.conf included in the dockerfile with ByteDance PCCS server address.